The author as the Spider with a pregnant Mrs. Muffet who sat on a tuffet. Performed at Camphill Ontario near Angus. I am sure that I heard Tiptoes Lightly chuckling in the audience!
The Real Kids (and teacher) who star in Pinrut the Turnip Boy
Here is the actual and very real teacher, Chris Connell, and some of his happy students who star in the fourth life of The Nine Lives of Pinrut the Turnip Boy. They all happily attend Greentree School in Drumheller, Alberta, Canada. Needless to say, we can see that he is not the villainous, pedantic and turnip-hating pedagogue who appears in the book. His students, however, do look fun-loving and slightly mischievous to me! :)
The photo comes from an article on Pinrut and the students that appeared in The Drumheller Mail. Photo credit: Patrick Kolafa.
Wireless Motherhood
Here's an article by my daughter which appeared in Parent Co. that is garnering a lot of interest - for young mothers especially.
My Daughter the Famous Writer!
My daughter Isa is also a writer. One of her blogs appeared on Huffington Post: An open letter to my Son about mass Violence - this following the events in Orlando.
Visit her blog The Wilder Adventure, or see her pieces in Her View from Home, a webmag for women. Way to go, Isa!
An Alphabet cake!
Susan Forrester just finished reading The Alphabet, and by the end of the book her daughter was reading by herself. So they made an XYZ Celebration Cake, just like the one in the book. Yea! Looks yummy!
Chocolate Eyes
Becca Thornton of Chocolate Eyes has posted a lovely piece on The Magic Knot - plus her artistic rendering of Tiptoes' acorn house. Drop on over and see what her blog is about - it's nicely done. Thanks, Becca!